The Greek Selection VI - Quiz 27/07/2000

Trella 3ana

with DJ Agamemnon on Inspiration FM 105.8 in Northamptonshire

The Greek Selction VI: Trella 3ana


John turns off the light in his bedroom. The light switch is twenty feet from the bed, but he still manages to get into his bed before it is dark. How does he do it?

ANSWER: He goes to bed when there is still daylight


A cowboy rides into town on Tuesday. He is tired, so he decides to stay at the town's hotel. He rides out of town on Sunday. He hasn't left town in the meantime or stayed anywhere else, but he only pays the hotel for two nights. How does he do it, without breaking the law?

ANSWER: The cowboy's horse is called Tuesday. So he could ride into town on Tuesday - but the day was Friday


What is black and white and is red all over?

ANSWER: A newspaper

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